Workout Programs
Workout program details are explained below.
This program allows you to manually control speed and incline. In manual
mode, simply press SPEED ▲/▼ keys to control speed and INCLINE ▲/▼
keys to adjust incline.
There are three hill workouts, HILL 1, HILL 2, and HILL 3, each of which is
represented by a different hill illustration. One of the three hill illustrations will
appear each time the hill key is pressed; press ENTER to confirm.
INTERVAL (1:1, 1:2, 2:2)
There are two segments, a rest segment and a work segment, each of which
can have a different speed and incline setting. There are three interval
programs: 1:1, 1:2, and 2:2. Numbers in these programs represent time. For
instance, in the 1:2- interval workout, one indicates a segment of one-minute
in duration, followed by a second segment of two minutes in duration.
Interval segment settings can be changed during a workout. To do so, while
exercising, simply press incline or speed keys to change the setting in the
current segment. The new settings will apply to that segment thereafter.
Once an Interval program is selected, it will enter user profile setting page.
Age, weight, program time as well as Rest and Work segment setting. User
can set both incline and speed for Rest and Work segments to customize
the Interval program. When the program begins, the treadmill will adjust the
speed/incline to the setting.
These two incline-based workouts are designed to exercise the glute
muscles. In this mode, one of two workouts, either GLUTE 30 or GLUTE 45,
are available for selection. Every GLUTE button is pressed, one of these two
programs will appear; press ENTER key to confirm.
Each time the RANDOM key is pressed a different randomly generated
workout illustration will appear. There is an almost infinite number of
randomly generated workouts.