4.4 Installing the radio receiver module or WLAN module
The Variable Mirror-Ball Motor is compa�ble with the following types of control:
A) Sport-Thieme radio remote control
A radio receiver module is required for opera�on with
the Sport-Thieme radio remote control for Snoezelen
rooms (not included in delivery). Switching on the radio
remote control overwrites the se�ngs made on the
device’s control panel with the se�ngs of the radio re-
mote control. The device is equipped with a memory
func�on. The selected se�ngs are retained a�er switch-
ing off or in the event of a power failure. When the unit is
switched on again, it works with the last selected
B) Sport-Thieme app control via WLAN
To control the unit with the smartphone app, a WLAN re-
ceiver module and a WLAN router is required (not in-
cluded in delivery). Ac�va�ng the app control via WLAN
overwrites the se�ngs made on the device’s control
panel with the se�ngs of the smartphone app. The
device is equipped with a memory func�on. The selected
se�ngs are retained a�er switching off or in the event of
a power failure. When the unit is switched on again, it
works with the last selected se�ngs.
1. Unplug the motor from the mains.
2. Set the desired channel with a suitable screwdriver on
the channel selector switch. If the channel selector
switch is set to '0', control via radio remote control or
app control is disabled.
3. Plug the module into the connec�on socket.
4. Insert the plug into the socket. The unit is now in
stand-by mode and can be controlled via radio remote
control or smartphone app. The func�on of the
bu�ons on the control panel remains ac�ve.
For further informa�on on se�ng up the radio remote
control or app control via WLAN, please refer to the in-
forma�on for use of the respec�ve system.