Pneumatic Chain Saw 5 1020/5 1021/5 1022/5 1023
Service life and performance of the chain saw are determined by
a) Degree of air purity
b) Lubrication and maintenance
To a) Blow the air hose clear before connecting it to the saw. Install dirt and water separators
upstream of the saw, if it is not possible to prevent the formation of rust and water
condensation in the air distribution lines.
To b) The motor is lubricated by the lubricator installed in the handle. Fill the lubricator with
resin- and acid-free SAE 5W – SAE 10W lubricating oil. Thick flowing oil will clog the
vanes and affect the start-up and performance of the motor. Only proper maintenance
can ensure constant performance, reduction in wear and thus, a decrease in operating
costs and an increase in servic life.
We therefore highly recommend to install service units upstream of the machine.
Obsere the comments in the information sheet
Enclosed greased ball bearings must not be flushed.
After use, clean the saw and rinse it with light oil or provide alternate corrosion protection.
Regularly check and clean the air inlet screen.
In winter, or when using very moist air, an intifreeze lubricant, such as BP Energol AX 10,
Kilfrost or Kompranol should be used.
Replace wear parts – in particular the vanes – when necessary.
Vanes are considered worn if their width is less than 16 mm.
Lubricating of the chain works through the second lubricating system with automatic line oil
pump. The oil tank (250 ccm) is located in the motor housing and has to be filled with chain saw
oil before starting. It contains oil for approx. twoe working hours. Check transparent oil line, if oil
is conveyed to the chain or hold running saw with the bar pointing downwards and if adjustment
is correct, an oil trace will be clearly observed on a light coloured floor or paper.
Use machine oil with adhesive additive of a viscosity of 49-55 c ST (6,5 – 7,5 E) at 50°C
(122 F). Replace valves of the oil pump, if they are no more leakproof. Before assembling the
valve should be dipped into oil. Pay attention to the right sequence of the valves (ball and
feather should lay next to both valves at the left).
Filling in chain lubricating oil
- Clean the tank screw-cap and the area around, so that the tank cannot get dirty.
- Fill in chain lubricating oil.