P n e u m a t i c
M a g n e t i c D r i l l i n g M a c h i n e
2 1 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 / 0 0 3 0
M a s c h i n e n f a b r i k G m b H
Spitznas Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Fellerstr.4, D-42555 Velbert, Tel: +49(0)2052 605 0, Fax: +49(0)2052 605 29
, www.spitznas.de
Compiled: 27.01.10
Page 6 of 25
Magnetic base won't
hold effectively
Material being cut may be
too thin
Swarf or dirt under magnet
Irregularity on magnet
contact or workpiece
Attach an additional piece of metal under
workpiece where magnet will be located or
mechanically clamp magnetic base to
Use extreme care, file imperfections flush to
Cutter skips out of
center-punchmark at
initiation of cut
Magnetic base is not
holding effectively
Too much feed pressure at
start of cut
Cutter is dull, worn,
chipped or incorrectly
Poor center-punchmark
Pilot not centered in
Worn or bent pilot
Loose bolts on main
casting or loose slideway
adjusting setscrews
See above
Light pressure until a groove is cut. The
groove then serves as a stabilizer
Replace or resharpen
Improve center-punch
Adjust where necessary
Excessive drilling
pressure required
Incorrectly resharpened,
worn or chipped cutter
Coming down on swarf
lying on surface of
Slideway needs
adjustment or lubrication
Swarf packed inside cutter
Resharpen or replace
Take care not to start a cut on swarf
Adjust set screws