SC30MPA: 3 Mega Pixels Serial JPEG Camera User Manual
Spinel USA LLC
please use an USB to TTL/RS232/RS485 converter if connecting the camera to the USB port from a
windows computer, please make sure select the default baud rate to ensure proper running.
The following image illustrates the interface of the test tool software.
Step 1: After the camera is connected, run the test tool, select the right COM port and default baud
rate, open the port.
Step 2: once the camera reads the version info as “PTC3M0E 1.04”, the camera is ready to take
commands, before capture an image, please make sure set the right path for the images to get
saved to once taken, otherwise error might occur on the test tool.
For any technical issue or error, please use “SSCOM serial debug tool” to test the camera and figure
out the issue, the “SSCOM serial debug tool” and instruction can be downloaded from our websites: