I. Introduction
Product Overview
device is an intelligent pulse/word/pattern/delay generator producing up to 24
precisely timed, individually controlled digital output signals.
The intelligence of the PulseBlaster timing processor comes from an embedded
microprogrammed control core (uPC). The PulseBlaster processor is able to execute instructions that
allow it to control program flow. This means that the PulseBlaster processor understands Operational
Control Codes, Op Codes, and will execute them much the same way as a general-purpose
microprocessor does. Unlike general-purpose processors, the PulseBlaster processor features a
highly optimized instruction set that has been specifically designed for timing applications. A unique
and distinguishing feature of the PulseBlaster processor is that the execution time of instructions is
user programmable. This feature makes the PulseBlaster capable of executing complex output
timing patterns at greatly varying update rates, ranging from nanoseconds to years, with a constant
setting accuracy of just one clock period (e.g., a 10 ns setting accuracy at a 100 MHz clock