On receipt of the product:
Remove the packaging and display the material so that all components are visible.
Check that all the components/pieces on the accompanying list are present.
The appliance must be checked before every use so as to reveal any working abnormalities and/or
damage caused by transport and/or storage. In particular, check:
General functionality of the device
Cleanliness of the device (remember that the failure of cleaning may cause the risk of cross
Absence of cuts, holes, tears on the structure, including the straps
State of use
Integrity of handles (are torn or signs of laceration?)
The emergency vehicle is equipped with a fastening system dedicated to the Spencer spine
There are belts for the immobilization of the patient and they are intact and functioning
If the above conditions are met, the device may be considered ready for use; otherwise you must
immediately remove the device from service and contact the Manufacturer.
Follow the procedures approved by the reference Emergency Medical Service for
immobilization, positioning and patient transport.
The following procedures are shown on the basis of general information use.
Loading the prone patient on the spine board
This manoeuvre should be performed by at least three rescuers
Res. 1 sends Res. 2 to immobilize the spine, at the same
time he tells the patient not to move and communicate the
manoeuvres to be carried out.
Res. 2 takes kneeling position behind the patient's head in
misaligned position, so that at the end of the pronation-
supination he will be aligned as much as possible to the
patient's head.
Res. 2 manually immobilizes the cervical spine with his
hands in such a position that they do not become crossed
during rotation; he slips his hand under the patient's head
to get a good grip, making sure to move the head as little
as possible (fig. A).
Res. 1 and 3 align the limbs along the axis of the body,
lifting them the bare minimum. The movement of alignment
is carried out in two phases:
Alignment of the limb
Approach of the body
Res. 3 places the spine board at the patient's side (the
opposite side of the sight), lying on the ground, and makes
sure that the head is at the centre of the pillow.
Res. 1 and 3 take kneeling position at the side of the
patient from the side of rotation, with a knee above the
spine board, and are positioned one on the trunk and one to
the pelvis. Res. 1 places his hands at shoulder and pelvis,
including the patient's wrist. Res. 3 places his hands at the
side and the femur (fig. B).
Res. 2 at the head controls the rotation of the patient on
the side, saying: "On three. One, two, three.".
At "three" Res. 1 and 3 rotates the patient 90 degrees,
keeping the entire column immobilized in line, they stop at
the "stop" of Res. 2 (fig. C).
Res. 1 and 3, keeping the patient on the side, move their
hands. Res. 1 rotates both hands, Res. 3 rotates the one
on the femur, while he moves to the back the hand that
was previously on the side. This allows to support the
patient during descent in the supine position (fig. D).
When Res. 1 and 3 are ready, they shall notify Res. 2,
which gives instructions to rotate the patient an additional
Fig. C
Fig. E
Fig. F