© 2019, Speedway Motors, Inc.
Unser Rear Suspension
62-67 Chevy Nova
Install the Link Rods: Start by assembling the link rods. Install the lower/drivers side link rod first. Install
one end of the link into the lower location on the pivot using the 5/8-18 x 1 3/4" bolt and lock nut.
Install the other end of the link to the chassis. Use the center hole location and a 5/8-18 x 4-1/2” bolt
and lock nut. Once the link is installed, adjust the length of the link by spinning the tube until the pivot is
at a 90° angle with the ground. Note: The link should be level with the ground at this time. The rear end
housing may need to be raised or lowered to achieve this. Once the link is level with the ground, and the
pivot is at a 90° angle, the jam nuts can be tightened. With the first link installed, it is now time to install
the upper/passenger side link. Start by using the 5/8-18 x 1 3/4" bolt and lock nut to connect one
end of the link to the center pivot. Now, hold the link up in its approximate position and adjust the link
until the outer rod end lines up with the center hole location on the chassis. Use the 5/8-18 x 5” bolt
and lock nut to connect the link to the chassis. Now you can tighten the jam nuts on this link. Be sure to
keep the rod ends adjusted evenly on either side of the tube. Note: The center pivot bolts must be installed
as shown, with the nut towards the rear of the car. Installing them in the other direction may result in
interference between the bolt and the rear end housing. With the links adjusted properly and the rear end
at ride height, both links should be parallel to the ground and the pivot should be at a 90° angle.
Check Alignment and Clearances: On most cars, a portion of the trunk floor will need to be raised to clear
the center pivot and upper link at full compression. The affected area is the passenger side trunk floor just
in front of the fuel tank (shown below).
It is a good idea to leave room to clear the pivot and link rod
even in the upper most position.
Cycle the suspension
completely though its
travel and check for
any clearance issues
with the truck, floor,
Weld: If there are no clearance issues, it is time to fully weld in the crossmembers. Start by removing
the rear end, watts link, and truck arms from the car. Take note which link rod goes on which side. Fully
weld the cross member, chassis brace, and front supports to the car.
It is a good idea to only weld a
small bead at a time, then move to a new area and allow the first area to cool completely before welding
further in that area. This will greatly reduce the risk of warping.