Using the Webcam with MSN® Messenger 7.5
Please note, the contact who you
would like to invite to a video conversation
must also have a video-capable version of
MSN® Messenger.
Right click on the person you want to contact
from your contact list and click on
deo > Start a Video Conversation.
Messenger will now guide you through con-
figuring your webcam. Follow the on-screen
instructions. Wait until your contact accepts
the video conversation.
To change webcam settings, click on the
small arrow in the lower right-hand corner
of your webcam image and click on
Camera Settings
. Click on
It is
recommended that automatic white balan-
cing is deactivated and adjusted manually.
Using the Webcam with ICQ® 5
In the ICQ window, right click on the contact
who you would like to start a video conver-
sation with and then click on
ICQ Video
Wait until the contact accepts the video
conversation. ICQ will automatically detect
if you and your contact have a webcam.
If you have already commenced with a con-
versation and would like to transmit your
webcam image then click on the camera
symbol on the left of the conversation win-
dow and wait until your partner accepts your
request for a video conversation.
Using the Webcam with Yahoo!® Messenger 7.5
Right click on the person you want to con-
tact from your contact list and click on
Invite to View My Webcam.
A se-
parate window with the webcam image will
open. Yahoo! ® Messenger will now ask you
if you would like to activate Super Webcam
mode. Click on
Yes, always
To change the camera settings click on
In the window that opens,
click on the tab “Webcam” and then on
mera Settings...
and adjust the properties
to suit your individual requirements
It is re-
commended that automatic white balancing
is deactivated and adjusted manually.