What can be observed by my telescope?
With the included eyepieces, you can observe the crater of the moon, planets of our solar system (Saturn), as well as Orion Nebula. You can also
observe terrestrial objects such as sail boat. However, please keep in mind that never look at the Sun without a proper solar filter, this may
permanently damage your eyes.
There are 3 included eyepieces, which one should I start with?
Best practice is to start with lower power eyepiece because the lower magnification gives you a large Field of View (FOV) of the sky making
locating the object easier. After centering the object in the eyepiece, you may switch to a higher power eyepiece to see more detail
Will this telescope work with my 1.25
Yes, by default, this telescope has a 1.25
eyepiece adapter so it will work with all the 1.25
What is a Barlow lens?
A Barlow in astronomy is a lens to increase the magnification of a telescope. Usually, a Barlow would be labelled
X,” “
and etc. a 2X Barlow
doubles the magnification of your telescope and a 3X Barlow trebles the magnification. For example, using a 2X Barlow on a setup that originally
give you 150X magnification will double your magnification making the overall magnification 300X
Please DO NOT look at the Sun through your telescope without a proper filter. This may damage your eyes permanently.