480.894.5437 Call us toll-free 1.800.685.2783
215 South Industrial Drive, Suite 2A Tempe, Arizona 85281-2941
RO Membrane Diagnostic
In order to accurately determine the condition of the RO Membrane, a
conductivity tester capable of reading the tap water conductivity and the
product water conductivity would typically be required.
You may also use an alkalinity test kit (on softened water sources) or a
hardness test kit (cannot be used on softened water sources).
Before performing any membrane test, the DI cartridge must be removed
and the empty housing re-installed; also, the waste -to-product water ratio
must be 4 to 1 or greater.
1. Turn on the system, let it operate long enough to fill the
empty DI housing, then let it run for an additional 20 minutes.
2. See the section on Testing the Quality of the Membrane, page 19.
Perform the test using your chosen method.
3. Turn off the system, drain the DI housing, re-install the DI cartridge,
and turn on the system.
Note: All water sources are different and are subject to changes in
conductivity from season to season which could affect the monitor read-
ing depending on the time of the year. For this reason we recommend
the use of a conductivity tester in order to register the most accurate
measurement for determining the condition of the RO membrane.
Diagnostics &
System Maintenance
Fax 480.894.6109 Fax us toll-free 1.877.527.7873
E-mail: [email protected] Visit us on the web www.spectrapure.com