2-6-4. MENU > EVENT > Text-In
The system allows Text In from POS/ATM machines.
Note: For use of POS/ATM, the system must support general ASCII code.
Text-In Model: Select Text-In model from the list
Transaction Begin: Enter a word which the transaction info to be displayed on screen as a start.
Any Character: Check Any Character to start display a text with any character as a start.
Transaction End: Enter a word of last line where the transaction info to be displayed on screen
as the end. If you want additional lines to be displayed after the transaction end, select more line
Ignore String: Enter a word to ignore strings includes selected word.
Line Delimiter: Enter a symbol or a word to distinguish the end of lines.
Case Sensitive: Select Case Sensitive option if distinguish a word with case sensitivity.
In Record, text event can be synchronized with single or multi camera record. Press
to select
camera(s) to be synchronized with text event. If RS232/RS485 Port are being used at the same
time, it has to be used for different cameras. For example, if RS232 is set for cameras 1~12,
RS485 should be set with 13~16. They can’t share same cameras.
In Alarm, text event can be synchronized with single or multi alarms. Press
to select alarms
to be synchronized with text event. If B is selected, system will buzz on alarm detections.