1-4. Display Icons
No Recording
Recording (Red)
E.REC (Emergency Recording)
Event Recording (Red)
Pre Event Recording (Blue)
Motion Detection
Sensor Detection
Text In
PTZ Camera
Instant Backup
Clip Maker (Blue)
Backup (Red)
Video Loss
1-5. User or Admin Login
Press MENU to enter main menu screen. Login in screen appears to enter ID (Administrator or
User) and Password. Password can be set up to 8 numbers by the combination of numbers from
0 to 9. The factory default password is ‘none’ so press OK to log in to the system for a first time
log in. Password can be set under password set up option (MENU > SYSTEM > User). System will
be automatically log out if it is not in-use for sometime. This "Auto Logout Time" can be set
under password set up option (MENU > SYSTEM > User).