DFG400-5 & 5DP
Operating Manual
Prior to any maintenance or adjustment disconnect the machine from the power supply.
Clean the machine to remove all build up of dust and surface residue. If using a hose
pipe or pressure water take care that water is not directed onto electrical components
and switches. (Note: Motors and switches are not waterproof)
Ensure the height adjustment thread is cleaned and then lightly oiled. Periodically it
should be removed and the female, threaded section cleaned out and oiled regularly to
maintain a light, smooth height adjustment.
The drive belts will give a long and trouble free operating life if basic procedures are
followed. The drive belts are tensioned by adjusting the motor mounting plate. It is
important that the drive belts are not over tensioned. Serious damage could be caused
to the gearboxes and/or drive motor if the belts are excessively tight.
All components should be checked daily for tightness and the drive belts for tension.
The flexible drive couplings that support the grinding heads should be checked on a
weekly basis.
Any excess vibration due to uneven head wear should result in the heads being
changed to eliminate damage to couplings.