Spartan Equipment
Hay Accumulator
July 2016
Check that all grapple tines
are in place.
Look for loose bolts and
tighten them if necessary.
Check that all safety decals
are in place and can be
read. Replace them if
Take care of our
environment. Repair any
hydraulic leaks.
Check Coupler Lock Engagement
P r e - O p e r a t i o n W a l k -
a r o u n d I n s p e c t i o n
Before every use, it is important to
perform a short inspection and
certain maintenance on Hay
Accumulator Grapple.
operated with the control handles or
pedals in the cab. Consult your skid
steers operator’s manual for precise
instructions regarding these functions.
Your skid steer may have a “float”
function on the lift & lower circuit.
When placed in the float position, the
attachment will follow the contour of
the ground being worked. See your
skid steer’s Operator’s Manual for
instructions about how to use the float
on your skid steer.
If during your initial startup you realize
the grapple function operates in the
opposite direction that you prefer, you
can change positions of the quick
disconnect couplers on the attachment
hoses to remedy your problem.
B e f o r e U s i n g t h e
A c c u m u l a t o r t h e F i r s t
T i m e
Moving the
attachment with bystanders in the
area could result in Death or Serious
Injury. Before moving the attachment
or machine, always make sure the
area is clear of bystanders.
A c c u m u l a t o r C o n t r o l s
Your Hay Accumulator Grapple is
designed to run off the skid steer
loaders auxiliary hydraulic system.
Consult your skid steer operator’s
manual for precise instructions on how
to activate and deactivate the auxiliary
Height and pitch functions of the hay
accumulator grapple frame are
If this is your initial
startup with this attachment on this
machine, check the skid steer’s
hydraulic oil level and add oil, if
necessary, before and after doing
steps 1 & 2 below.
After starting skid steer, lift the
attachment 10” (254mm) off the
ground surface:
With the skid steer engine RPMs
just above idle, slowly engage the
auxiliary hydraulic flow to the
grapple cylinder, rotating the