Fault table TC-501N
The unit should be de-energised immediately in the event of a malfunction. Repairs
should only be entrusted to trained and qualified skilled personnel.
Possible causes
The compressor motor
NOTE: The auto-stop feature of Once pressure drops to 40
does not start
this unit’s pressure switch
psi/2.8 bar, the auto-start
automatically stops when the
feature automatically restart
pressure reaches 60 psi/
the compressor’s motor
4.1 bar. This is not a fault
condition and is part of the
normal and expected behavior
of the unit.
No power
Check to make sure the unit is
plugged in and the on/off switch
is in the ’’on“ position
Damaged electrical cables or
Specialist workshop
loose electrical connections
Compressor running,
Moisture trap not closed
Pull down on the moisture trap
but does not build up
adequate pressure
Unused air outlet not covered
Tightly secure covering cap on
unused air outlet
Leak in air hose or a poor
Check all connections and air
hoses for potential leaks
Compressor does not start
Defective pressure switch
Have pressure switch replaced
when pressure is below
by specialist workshop
auto-on pressure or
compressor does not stop when
auto-stop pressure reached
Warning: If pressure switch is defective, do not operate compressor above 80 psi/5.5 bar
Compressor becomes too hot
Room temperature too high
Ensure adequate room tempe-
or ventilation is inadequate
rature and appropriate ventilation
Compressor overloaded
Check whether compressor is
suitable for load
Compressor becomes too hot
Thermal protector has shut
Turn off the compressor and
and deactivates during
down compressor
allow unit to cool for at least
30 minutes.
No claim is made to the completeness of the possible malfunctions listed here.