Installation P/N 73-200-0300, Rev. A, 9/04/2015
Note: For 110V systems, the heater will only operate when the pump is running on low speed. When the pump is on high speed, the heater
will not operate until the high speed turns off.
*220V Power Supply, 60Hz
*Minimum 50A Power Supply is required. Use Copper Conductors Only. See wiring diagram for more information.
Please note that this Installation requires 4 dedicated wire connections to the power terminal block (TB1) on the Circuit Board. These
Line 1
Line 2
. Connect Line 1 wire to Line 1 terminal. Connect Line 2 wire to Line 2 terminal. Connect
Neutral wire to Neutral terminal. If a dedicated Neutral wire is not connected, the heater will never come on and/or the system will not
operate properly. Lastly, connect Ground to the Grounding Bar located on the side of the controller box. Since this system is not equipped
with a GFCI, it is REQUIRED by the National Electric Code to install an external GFCI for safety and protection. Any mis-wiring or
improper installation will void the warranty and could cause personal injury, death, fire or property damage.
Do Not follow the color of the original power wires, Black, Red, White and Green. DON'T ASSUME THESE WIRES ARE WIRED
ACCORDING TO LOCAL CODES. Some original wirings can have the wires mixed up. Get a voltage meter and verify each wire to
make sure which colored wire is Line 1, Neutral, and Ground. Failure to do so will cause major electrical damage to the controller and/or
other equipment, and void the warranty.
UP WITH WATER. Doing so can cause a dry fire, which can damage the heater and controller, and will void the warranty.
Primary Pump Circuit:
The primary pump circuit should have already been configured for the correct voltage output based on your
order for “Factory Configured”. For “Field Configurable Kit” or if you find out that the pump motor is rated at a different voltage, make
sure to configure pump 1 circuit to the correct voltage for the pump motor by following the wiring diagram that is provided.
Pump Motor wiring:
The primary pump cord will have 4 wires for two speed operation. This system utilize the RED wire for High-
Speed and the BLACK wire for Low-speed in Two-Speed Pump Circuits. The White wire is for Line/Common connection, and the Green
wire is for ground. Keep this in mind when connecting a Two-Speed pump that has not been purchased with this system. If using a single
speed pump as the primary pump, cap off the RED wire. Connect the primary pump cord in Pump 1 location (J23) on the circuit board.
The plug will only fit one way. Make sure the clip on the plug latches to ensure tight connection. If a complete Spa Pack with pump was
ordered, the pump cord should have already been connected.
Ozone Circuit:
The ozone circuit should have already been configured for the correct voltage output based on your order for “Factory
Configured”. For “Field Configurable Kit” or if you find out that the ozone unit is rated at a different voltage, make sure to configure the
ozone circuit to the correct voltage for the ozone unit by following the wiring diagram that is provided.
Ozone wiring:
The ozone cord will have 3 wires. The Black wire is for Line 1. The White wire is for Common connection, and the Green
wire is for ground. Connect the ozone cord in the Ozone location (J29) on the circuit board. The plug will only fit one way. Make sure the
clip on the plug latches to ensure tight connection. Only connect the ozone cord if it is being used.
Circulation Pump Circuit:
NOT available on this system.
Dip Switch Settings:
The dip switches on the circuit board (as known as Switch Bank A, red in color with white switches) should have
already been configured for the correct setting based on your order for “Factory Configured”. For “Field Configurable Kit” or if a
different setup is required, the dip switches need to be configured. If so, please follow the dip switch settings based on the new setup by
using the wiring diagram as a reference.
Topside Panel Installation
: A hole cut out of 3.75 inch x 1.0 inch is required for the SpaGuts Topside Panel, P/N 50553. A topside cover
plate (included) can be used if the existing hole cut out is larger than the topside panel. Clean the surface area before installation of the
new topside panel. Position the topside panel in the direction for operational purpose as desired. Then carefully insert the topside cable
through the hole cut out. Remove the protective label from the sticky gasket on the back of the topside panel. Then apply the topside
panel above the hole cut out or cover plate. Silicone can be used under the lip of the topside panel for additional water leak protection
prior to installation of the topside panel. Connect the topside cable plug into J1 connector on the circuit board. The clip on the topside
cable plug should snap in place to ensure a secure connection. Note that this control system does not allow a secondary topside panel or
an auxiliary topside panel connection. If a longer topside cable is needed, DO NOT splice the cable or disconnect the cable from the back
of the topside panel to install a longer cable. Doing so will affect the proper functionality of the topside panel and completely void the
topside warranty. Available at www.spaguts.com is P/N 30311 for the 10ft extension cable, and P/N 22639 for the 25ft extension cable.
Maximum cable length is 50ft in order for the topside panel to work properly.
Light wiring:
The light harness is 8ft long with 2 wires. One end of the light harness has a 2-prong amp plug, and the other end has a
light socket that fits a 12V 12W light bulb or a ColorGlo Led Light (http://www.spaguts.com/Products/colorglo-led-lights-47.aspx).
Connect the 2-prong amp plug in location (J20) on the circuit board. The plug will only fit one way. Make sure the clip on the plug latches
to ensure tight connection. Insert the light bulb into the light socket. Then insert the light socket with light bulb into the existing light
housing on the spa. The white light reflector can also be used if it fits in the existing light housing. If a light housing is not installed, it can
be purchased by going to this link: http://www.spaguts.com/Products/thru-shell-light-lense-kit-88.aspx. Only connect the light harness if it
is being used.
Audio Video wiring (A/V):
NOT available on this system.