SD-1 Minisport TG, SE-33, P.O.H
Issue 1
4.3 Normal procedures and check list
4.3.1 Prior to engine starting
1. Controls ................................................ free movement
2. Canopy ................................................. close and lock
3. Brakes .................................................. push on
4. Safety harness ..................................... fasten
4.3.2 Engine start
It is recommended to open fuel valve and turn propeller 2-3x while all switches OFF
before first start in day to get fuel to carburettor.
1. Starting ................................................. Open fuel valve
Master ON
Ignition ON
Throttle app. 20 % when cold or half
when is engine warm.
Push starter button
2. Choke ................................................... for cold engine open and after engine
starting close slowly
4.3.2 Engine warming and run up
If airplane is not equipped with oil temperature gauge warm up engine at least 5 min.
at 2000 RPM when is air temperature bellow 15 ºC. Prolong warm up time
adequately at lower air temperatures. The CHT should not be below 120 ºC during
run up. At least 3100 RPM static should be achieved at run up.
4.3.3 Taxying
Use the engine power and brakes according to your need. Do not use brakes
continuously. The rudder is efficient from 20 knots speed. Taxi carefully in the strong
wind. Hold the control stick in stick back position.
4.3.4 Before take-off
1. Altimeter ............................................... set (QNH)
2. Trim ...................................................... set to neutral position
3. Controls ................................................ check on free movement
4. Canopy ................................................. check if closed properly
5. Safety harnesses .................................. tighten up
6. Flaps……………………………………….lever in 2nd notch (7°)
4.3.5 Take-off
Set airplane to runway centerline. Apply full throttle. Pull stick back during take-off run
to enlighten front wheel, apply left rudder to compensate yaw effect. Move the stick to
neutral position at rotation speed (app. 83 km/h).
Let build up speed to 110 km/h in ground effect after lift-off and start to climb
thereafter. Check max. CHT during climbing.