Boost Function
If your vehicles battery has no charge or a very low charge (less than 8.1V) your Li+
Power-bank will not automatically recognise that it is connected to a 12v battery. The
Boost function allows you to manually connect the Li+ Power-bank battery to the output
It is highly recommended that in the situation of a no or low charge battery (less
than 8.1V) that you should recharge your vehicles battery in the normal manner. As the
power you want to use to drive the starter motor will be greatly diminished by the flat
In an emergency situation it would be best (if possible) to disconnect the vehicle battery
before attempting to start the engine. In this way power from the jump starter will not be
diverted into a flat battery but run directly to the starter motor. The Boost function should
only be used if there is no better alternative.
Boost function Instruction:
1. Disconnect the battery from the vehicle.
2. Connect the RED clamp to the vehicle's battery positive (+) lead and connect the
BLACK clamp to the vehicle's battery negative (-) lead.
3. Activate the Boost function by pressing the Boost Button on your Li+ Power-bank.
(This will connect the Li+ Power-bank to the output leads for 30 seconds only)
4. Start the vehicle.
Do not hold the key ON for more than 3 seconds at a time.
Warning: If the engine does not start initially, allow the Li+ Power-bank to rest and
cool, for at least 30 seconds before any other starting attempts.
5. The Boost function will switch off automatically 30 seconds after activation.
It is possible to use the boost function without disconnecting the battery, however the Li+
Power-bank may not provide enough power to start the vehicle, as much of the charge will
be soaked up by the flat battery.
When the LCD displays "
", indicates that Li
power is low, then the charge should be made after Li
Power-bank start-up.
LED flash light:
Press and hold the switch 3 seconds to start the LED flash light.
There are 4 modes of LED light appear in order, Normal. Strobe. SOS. Off)