Tool Description
1. LCD DISPLAY -- Backlit display Indicates test results
2. ENTER BUTTON -- Confirms a selection (or action) from a menu
3. EXIT BUTTON -- Cancels a selection or returns to menu
4. Up Key -- Moves up through menu and sub menu items
5. Down Key -- Moved down through menu and sub menu items
6. Fn Key -- Press to enter the function for quick test customised
7. Printer -- Print test result
8. CLIPS -- Connects unit to battery ter (red) and
– (black)
9. Mini-USB Socket -- Connect to computer for print vis USB cable
Internal Resistance Explanation
Internal Resistance (IR) is an important factor for accessing a battery’s capability. When a
battery’s internal resistance exceeds a specific value, the engine can't be started. The
normal IR value of cars should be less than 10m
, but there will be differences between
different battery types and those with greater or lesser CCA.
Normally, for the same kind of batteries, the lower the IR, the healthier the battery is, (short
circuit excepted).