BIOS Setup Utility
3-1.1 Quick CPU Frequency Setup
Quick CPU
Frequency Setup
300MHz (66 x 4.5)
333MHz (66 x 5)
366MHz (66 x 5.5)
400MHz (66 x 6)
CPU Speed
433MHz (66 x 6.5)
The BIOS will display
your CPU’ s standard
values here. The user
can not change the
multiplier (because it
fixed in the Socket 370
CPU.) The CPU host
clock can be change in
the Host Clock item.
Under this item you find the frequencies your
PCI and AGP slots run at. These frequencies
are derived from the CPU host clock in the
following way:
CPU host clock > 100MHz
PCI = CPU host clock /3,
CPU host clock < 100MHz
PCI = CPU host clock /2,
66/33 MHz
75/37 MHz
83/41 MHz
100/33 MHz
103/34 MHz
112/37 MHz
124/41 MHz
133/44 MHz
124/31 MHz
Host Clock
133/33 MHz
Please select your CPU host
clock frequency here. Note that
only 66 and 100MHz are
standard frequencies, all other
settings will overclock your CPU.
DRAM Clock
Host CLK
This item sets the
frequency your DRAM
memory runs at. HOST
CLK is the fastest
setting, set to AGP CLK
if you are using slow
memory modules.