1. Operating instructions are to be provided to any operator of the machine. Operators must be
familiar with the functions of a commercial rotisserie before using.
2. Ensure you have a gas regulator in place to match your gas type.
3. Nominal gas pressure should be 5.5” W.C. for natural gas and 11” W.C. for LPG. If the mea-
sured pressure falls below the range mentioned above, the installer should try to find the cause
of the problem and resolve it. A typical source of this problem is that the gas line (pipe) diam-
eter leading up to the unit is too small. If it is not possible to resolve the problem, the local gas
company or gas supplier should be contacted so that they can resolve the problem.
If the nominal pressure is below 5.5 “ W.C. for natural gas or below 11 “ W.C. for LPG, the unit
should not be operated.
If the pressure is too high and can not be adjusted downward, check to see if the proper adjust-
ing spring is in place. If this is correct, the regulator membrane may have been ruptured by
excessive gas pressure and may have to be replaced. Do not operate the rotisserie. If the pres-
sure is too low and can not be adjusted upward, also check the regulator. If this is correct, verify
the pressure coming out of the main gas meter or the diameter of the gas pipe feeding gas to the
unit. If the gas line is under-sized, the appropriate pressure may not be reached. Do not operate
the unit if the pressure falls below 5.5” W.C.
WARNING: After an installation, repairs, or maintenance, make sure that there are no gas leaks
anywhere in the gas lines or system.
4. Machines can be setup for both natural Gas or LP Gas. If converted it is important to also
change your gas regulator to match the gas type. Any conversion should take place with gas
valves turned off and unit unplugged from electrical outlet. Unit must also be cleaned before
any conversion.
5. After converting a machine, the air intake valves must be re-calibrated for optimal air intake
After a conversion, a new installation, or after a repair, it is important that the unit be tested to
insure that it operates properly. This should include the following:
Test for gas leaks.
Check that the unit has enough clearance behind and to the sides.
Check that the air intake has been adjusted for the gas type.
Check for potential hazards such as flammable objects
Check for proper ventilation and exhaust.
Check for proper room ventilation.
Southwood Manufacturing • A Division of US Restaurant Group • www.usrestaurant.com • [email protected] • (800)-764-1172