Print MICR CMC7 Font
Lead in sequence
Data to be printed in CMC7 font
Command terminator
This command prints the specified data in the CMC7 MICR font which is used in Europe
and South America. The font and its correct spacing begin at the current cursor position
modified by the MICRpoint adjustment setting at the start of the command. After the
terminator is sent, the printer will return to its default font, and the MICR count will be
decremented by one. Upon receiving this command the printer will check to ensure a
MICR toner cartridge is installed and set the copies parameter to 1. See Appendix B for
CMC7 character mapping.
Print Secure Numeric Font
Lead in sequence
Data to be printed in this font
Command terminator
The dollar sign ($) is not a command terminator for this command. For both security
fonts the tilde ~ (hex 7E) is the command terminator since the dollar sign is a valid
Print ICR Secure Numeric Font &%SMIxxxxxx~
Lead in sequence
Data variables to be printed in this font
Command terminator
Print MicroPrint Line
Lead in sequence
Data to be printed in this font
MP designator (optional)
Command terminator
If the exclamation point (!) is used, the “MP” designate will print just above and to the
right of the last character. This is optional and is typically used to notify the check
recipient of the presence of MicroPrinting (Only 0-9, A-Z [upper and lower case] print).
Special characters and spaces will disappear.
MICR Features | 5
Source Technologies, LLC ST9720 Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide