Atlas Compressor User Guide
Stereo In, Stereo Out
This mode should be your default selection for Stereo In, Stereo Out applications. Stereo In, Stereo
Out allows you to continue your stereo chain of effects. When Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 are linked, the output
will be the same for both channels. When they are unlinked, you can configure separate settings for
Channel 2.
Stereo In, Mono Out
This mode will accept stereo input on jacks INPUT 1 and 2. Inputs 1 and 2 are sent to Channel 1 and 2
respectively. When Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 are linked, the output will be the same for both channels. When
they are unlinked, you can configure separate settings for Channel 2. The outputs of the Channel 1
and Channel 2 equalizers are mixed and sent to OUTPUT 1.
Preset Storage and Recall
User Presets store all user editable parameters. This includes the knob positions, parameter settings,
frequencies, routing options, external control, and the full list of Neuro/MIDI accessible parameters.
Included in every preset are settings for either channel (Channel 1 [Mono] or Channel 2). After a
preset is recalled, you can always tweak the top-level controls in a performance situation by turning
the knob. The knob parameter will then “jump” to the current knob position as it is rotated.