Planning and Mounting Your System
The mounting position of your Amplifier will ha ve a grea t effec t on its a bility to
dissipa te the hea t genera ted during norma l opera tion.
Under norma l c onditions, the hea tsink will dissipa te suffic ient hea t to a void therma l
shutdown. However plea se do not insta ll the a mplifier in a wooden box or simila r
devic e a s this will prevent hea t dissipa tion into the a tmosphere.
Te mpe ra ture s in c a r trunks ha ve be e n me a sure d a s hig h a s (155'F) in the summe r
time . sinc e the the rma l shut-d own point for the a mplifie r is (158'F) it is e a sy to
se e tha t it must be mounte d for ma ximum c ooling c a pa bility. To a c hie ve
ma ximum a d va nta g e of c onve c tion a ir flow in a n e nc lose d trunk, mount the
a mplifie r in a horizonta l position.
Cooling requirements are considerably relaxed when mounting inside the passenger
compartment since the driver will not often allow temperatures to reach a critical
point. Floor mounting under the seat is usually satisfactory as long as there is at least
1 inch of clearance (2.54 cm) above the Amplifier's fins for ventilation.
A. Select a suitable location that is convenient for mounting, is accessible for wiring.
And has ample room for air circulation and cooling.
B. Use the amplifier as a template to mark the mounting holes. Remove the Amplifier
and drill holes. Use extreme caution, inspect underneath surface before drilling!
C. Secure the Amplifier using the screws provided.