Document revision 1.3 – Last modification : 09/10/14
Switcher-2 Assembly guide – Shield
3. Soldering side A
Use a tool with a sharp right angle, like a ruler or an aluminium profile to help
position the sides. Place the top side flat on the table (“Sound Skulptor”
facing down) and the (A) labelled side at a 90° angle. (A) edge against (A)
edge. The vertical panel rests on the table, not on the top panel. Solder the
centre pad. Reflow the solder until the 2 panels are perfectly lined and at 90°
then solder the next 2 pads.
4. Soldering side B
Repeat the same operation for side B
5. Soldering sides C and D
Position the C side against the assembly and
solder the centre pad.
Next solder the 2 low corners. Do not solder the
top angles yet.
Repeat for the D side.
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