Document revision 1.1 – Last modification : 30/05/08
PSL2 Assembly guide
10. 115/230V Selector switch
Add SW2.
11. Bridge rectifiers
Add BR1, BR2, BR3.
: Make sure to respect the direction of the bridge rectifiers, It is marked by + and - signs.
12. Medium size electrolytics
Add C13, C9, C10
Solder one lead first, adjust verticality then solder the second lead.
: The +lead must go into the +hole. Do not reverse.
13. 5W resistors
Add R10, R11, R12
The resistors are placed vertically.
Do not hesitate to put some heat on the resistor pins. The solder
sometimes has difficulty sticking to the metal.
: do not confuse 33R (33 Ohms) with R33 (0.33 Ohms).
14. XLR Sockets
You need to cut the two small plastic pins on the sockets bottom before you can insert them. Use your
The position of the sockets is critical for a good backplate matching. It must sit flat on the PCB. Press
firmly the socket on the PCB and solder one of the centre pins. Check position then solder the other
15. Thermal fuse F2
Make 2 loops with the legs of the thermal fuse using a screw driver.
Then solder in place quickly : we do not want to blow our fuse with
too much heat.
For security, hide the exposed wires of the thermal fuse with some
silicon sealant.
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