Document revision 1.1 – Last modification : 30/05/08
PSL2 Assembly guide
5. VDR1
Add the VDR1 varistor.
6. Film capacitors
Add C1 and C5
7. Trimmer potentiometers
Add P1, P2, P3. Solder one pin, check verticality then solder the other pins.
8. Small electrolytic capacitors
Add C3, C7, C12, C4, C8
Solder one lead first, adjust verticality then solder the second lead.
: The +lead must go into the +hole. Do not reverse (they may explode !)
9. PE connectors
Add CN2, CN3, CN4.
On CN4 remove the two central pins. To do this, you must push up the pins as much as possible from
underneath then pull it out with pliers from above.
After soldering, cut the pins flush. The pins are not very long but they carry mains voltage and the
clearance distance between them and the case must be respected.
: Make sure to position the connector in the right direction which is identified by the latching pin
on the PCB.
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