GoldMike MK2
The GoldMike MK2 offers a peak limiter that operates before
the output level control. This ensures that the limited signal can
be controlled as perfectly as possible for the internal—or an
The peak limiter operates with special diodes that convert signal
peaks into a pleasant-sounding saturation. Depending on the
signal, this allows for an effective and subtle level limiting.
Diode-based limiting works very quickly (much faster than
common VCA- or FET-based limiters), reliably limits even micro-
second-long transients, and is very effective for drums and
percussion. The peak limiter also enables maximum loudness.
Its degree of activity is displayed via the Limit LED.
The peak limiter is ideally suited to limit signals with a high
degree of transients such as snare, kick, brass and other percus-
sion instruments. Sine-wave like signals such as vocals, flute
and layer sounds can also be protected, but the degree of
increased loudness is limited.
Overdriving the peak limiter will be audible as distortion, an
effect quite similar to overdriving the preamplifier. In order to
avoid irritations please monitor the Clip-LED. If the Clip-LED is
not illuminating, the distortion is coming from the peak limiter.
In that case reduce the Threshold value. There are two threshold
values to choose from: +12 dB and +18 dB. Limiting is less when
selecting the +18dB threshold and intensified when choosing
+12 dB. If the Limit LED illuminates constantly, you should select
the +18 dB setting or reduce the Gain control setting (also see
“Limit-LED“ on page 17).
After setting the Limiter you can adjust the output level signal
for equipment coming next in your chain. If you have opted for
the internal A/D converter, you should keep an eye on the A/D
Ovl LED. When this LED illuminates, the internal A/D converter
is clipping. Reduce the output level until the A/D Ovl LED goes
out. If external converters are used, check their clipping LEDs
when setting the output level.
This placement of the limiter before the output level control
helps exploit the headroom of A/D converters to the maximum
while at the same time offering a signal peak safety margin.
Control Elements