VenueHub : Sound Leisure
This is a computer based digital audio jukebox system manufactured in the UK by Sound
leisure Ltd. Up to 30,000 Audio tracks are stored locally on the computers hard drive.
The customer inserts coins and selects tracks via a drag and drop style touch screen.
These songs are then played through the locations sound system or through the on
board amplifier situated within the machine.
Content is updated via a DVD or online via the internet. In addition millions of tracks can
be searched through and downloaded by the customer directly from the central server. It
is possible to manually adjust the machines program whilst at the Jukebox or make
changes to many of the settings via the OPWEB™ site remotely.
In addition to a vast choice of music the VenueHub technology also offers Bingo, Quiz,
RSS Feeds, Apps and advertising facilities.
The customer selects tracks by means of a touch screen interface.
Tracks are organised into Main Categories (such as Seventies Music)
The customer makes a selection by touching the screen on a selected category or track
To view further pages the customer can use the arrows or simply swipe the screen in the
direction that they wish to search.
To make a selection the customer inserts money and simply double taps the song on the
screen. Alternatively the track can be dragged to the orange coloured play box. After
been asked to confirm the selection the song is added to the play list. At any time the
customer can return to the main category page and add additional songs to their playlist.
Track Preview
Once a track has been dragged into the play box the customer can press and hold the
Preview screen to allow up to 15 seconds of the track to be previewed to ensure it is the
track that they want to play.
Recommended Tracks
Once a track has been confirmed to play the Jukebox will automatically recommend
further tracks that are often selected by customers who have listened to that artist.
Local Search Methods
There are four main ways in which a song can be searched by the customer,
By searching through a main music category,
By pressing the SEARCH button and using the search by Artist, by Track or by Date
Artist Suggestions
Artist suggestions are displayed to the customer as they search by ARTIST. As soon as
they have typed in 3 letters the VenueHub will try to assist in finding the required artist.