Section 1
Service Overview
1-1. Boards Location
1-2. WRU-806B Removal
For removing a WRU-806B from the MB-X6, refer to “In-
stalling the tuner units” in the Operating Instructions.
1-3. WRU-806B Checking
The following procedures describe how to prove WRU-
806B (repair unit) whether it needs to be repaired or not.
Equipment Required : MB-X6 (quality unit)
WRU-806B (quality unit)
(1) Install the repair WRU-806B to be examined in a quali-
ty MB-X6.
(2) Check the fault with a quality MB-X6.
If there is a fault, WRU-806B (repair unit) is defective.
Check the WRU-806B then fix a faulty section, and
perform “2. Electrical Alignment”.
If there is no fault found on the MB-X6, repairing
WRU-806B is no longer defective. Thus the repairing
MB-X6, other than WRU-806B, is defective.
DP-476 board
RF-155 board