2) The Destination Data Write window opens.
Check the version of the Destination Data file retained in the Adjust manual.
Destination Ver. window
3) Search the model whose new Destination Data file you want to get on the TISS homepage.
When the Destination Data file has been updated, a file with a name “Destination File For ‘model name’.zip” is registered.
(Example) Destination File For
Furthermore, the version supported by the Destination Data file is shown in the Remarks column.
Note :
If the Destination Data file has not been updated, contact the Service Headquarters.
4) Download the Destination Data file of the relevant model and unzip the file.
5) Execute “DESTINATION DATA WRITE” in the Adjust tab of the Adjust manual.
Click the [START] button.
6) Click the [File Update] button in the window.
7) A file selection screen opens. Select the Destination Data file to be added and click the [Open] button.
8) When the file has been successfully added, the following window opens.