3. Attach the adjustment band.
4. Wear the headset reversed, looped around your ears: with the unit on your right ear and the unit on your
left ear.
Adjust the position of the adjustment band to hold the headset firmly to your head.
The sound conduits (the parts where you attach the earbuds) of the headset are angled forward to fit the shape
of your ear holes. Therefore, it is necessary to replace the left and right units when you reverse and wear the
headset with Secure Fit Loop so that the angle fits the left and right ears.
: Angle of sound conduit when wearing headset with Easy Fit
: Angle of sound conduit when wearing headset reversed without replacing left and right units (You cannot wear
the headset properly.)
: Angle of sound conduit when wearing headset reversed (and upside down) after replacing left and right units
The left and right channels are reversed with Secure Fit Loop, but you can switch the left and right channels if you
want to listen to the songs as they were originally recorded. For details, see “
Switching the left and right channels