Technical Information: Sony HD System Cameras
V6.0 / 03-2014
2.6.2. Large Lens Adaptors (HDLA-1500-series)
The famous HDLA-types can compatibly been used for the new HDC-2500/-1700 and
Currently, Sony offers three different types of HDLA-15xx (HDLA-1500/-1505 and -
1507). The HDLA-1500 and HDLA-1505 types are available in black and beige color.
The HDLA-15xx docks directly to the camera by using an internal connector at the
bottom of camera head. Thus, no cables need to be connected and the camera can
be mounted within a very short time (about 20 sec.).
Picture 19 shows how easy to mount the camera into the HDLA-1500 (Sony Large
Lens Adaptor).
Another advantage: for transportation, the camera can rest inside the HDLA-15xx
and the lens can be disconnected and stored away separately.
Picture 20 shows the configuration with the 3 different types of HDLA-15xx