MD — Recording
Recording CD tracks on
an MD as group tracks
— Group Function
About Group Function
With the MDLP recording feature, you can
record a number of albums to separate groups
on a single MD, and then play them back and
manage them by means of the display
information that shows the group titles and
each numbered track (each group begins with
track 1). Pressing GROUP ON/OFF on the
remote switches the Group function on and off.
Group function is off
Group function is on
Operations using the group function
• “Playing tracks in a group” on page 17
• “Labeling a group” on page 31
• “Registering non-group tracks as group
tracks in a newly created group” on page 32
• “Releasing group tracks” on page 33
An MD recorded with the group function in this
system can be played on another system that has the
group function as well. In this case, the function may
operate differently, depending on the recording
How group tracks are
The group function information is registered in
the TOC of the MD as the “disc name” in the
following example.
Example of registration of group
The disc name is labeled as
Tracks 1 to 5 are registered in the
“Rock” group.
Tracks 6 to 9 are registered in the
“Pops” group.
If the MD recorded with the group function on
this system is played on another system that
does not support the group function, the disc
name, including the group information (such as
that in the example above), scrolls across the
Note that if the disc title is edited with the
Name function, the Group function may not
operate properly.
• The group information is written to the TOC when
the MD is ejected or the system is turned off.
• While the Group function is on, non-group tracks
are not played and non-group track information
does not appear in the display.
• The order of groups cannot be changed.
• If group information on an MD is not recorded
properly, it will not be possible to play the MD with
the Group function.
Group 1
Group 2
Track number
Track number
Track number