4 (E)
The BVS-A3232 analog audio routing switcher
possesses the capability to switch multiple input and
output analog audio signals. It can switch up to 32
input analog audio signals and supply to as many lines
simultaneously using a matrix system for routing
The BVS-A3232 operations are controlled by an
external controller such as the optional BKS-R3204/
R3205/R3206 control units which perform the actual
signal switching. Also, to operate a BVS-A3232, a
terminal is required for the switcher settings (i.e. table
data creation and system settings).
The operating status and error of the BVS-A3232 can
be easily monitored using the ISR (Interactive Status
Reporting) system that provides the status reporting of
equipment used in broadcasts and production houses
with a computer.
Refer to the installation manual for futher details on
the ISR system.
Features and Control System of
the Routing Switcher
Simultaneous control of multiple signals with
the level setting
To simultaneously handle several types of signals,
each type of signal requires a different routing
switcher. These are known as levels. For example, a
VTR requires video, audio, time code, and remote
control signals for recording. To switch these signals,
these signals require video, audio, time code, and
remote routing switchers respectively. You can set a
maximum of eight levels and different input and
output signal numbers on each level in order to
simultaneously control these levels.
Control using S-BUS protocol or RS-422A
In the routing switcher system, a control unit controls
the signal switching in accordance with the settings of
a terminal. There are two types of control available for
you to control the routing system: S-BUS protocol,
which is used through the BNC-type REMOTE 1
connectors, and RS-422A protocol, which is used
through the D-sub 9-pin REMOTE 2 connectors. You
cannot use both protocol simultaneously.
S-BUS protocol
S-BUS is a protocol developed by Sony for control of
a digital routing switcher system. This protocol
enables communication between multiple routing
switchers and control units using one coaxial cable. A
combined total of 254 routing switchers and control
units can be controlled using S-BUS protocol.
RS-422A protocol
The BVS-A3232 can be controlled with the RS-422A
protocol (audio mixer protocol) employed in Sony