Fig. 3.9. Save measure to memory.
Fig. 3.10. Load measure from memory.
Fig. 3.11. Delete measure in memory.
Fig. 3.12. Delete all measures in memory –
save / load / delete measure confirmation,
hold down 1.5 second on delete measure screen – delete all measures (with additional
select cell to save / load / delete – increase by 1,
hold down 1.5 second – automatic repeat,
select cell to save / load / delete – decrease by 1,
hold down 1.5 second – automatic repeat,
change the action: save / load / delete measure.
3.5. Time history memory
Time history registration means cyclic recording selected quantities into memory, measured in
registration period. One to four quantities registration is possible: L
, L
, L
, L
, where X
stands for selected frequency weighting (A or C), and Y stands for selected time weighting (S -
SLOW or F - FAST).
The options screen displays the maximum registration time for selected combination of the
registration interval and number of quantities, taking into account available free memory. In
addition, you can set the recording interval (period) by selecting one of the predefined values:
100ms, 1s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 60s, and enable or disable the automatic start option.
History registration starts when the measurement is started and ends when it is stopped or
when all available memory is full. If the autostart option is enabled, then starting the next
measurement will also start time history recording.
It is possible to delete the last time history or all registered (this requires additional
The maximum time for recording history (with empty memory) is shown in the table below.