4 | Operation
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Operating instructions sonnenProtect 2500
If the discharge has stopped due to the minimum state of charge, the storage system re-
mains in this state until the PV system starts to produce electrical power again. From then
on, the batteries of the storage system are charged and as soon as the state of charge ex-
ceeds the minimum limit, the surplus power is used to supply the electrical consumers in
the backup circuit.
4.1.3 Backup operation - overload behaviour
Case 1: Overload detection by fuse
The integrated fuse (miniature circuit breaker F3.P) of the sonnenProtect protects the en-
tire system against overload.
When the fuse trips, the storage system will still be in backup operation (Eclipse will turn
), but the electrical consumers in the backup circuit will no longer be supplied with
In this case, switch off the electrical loads or reduce their power consumption and then
switch on the miniature circuit breaker F3.P in the sonnenProtect.
Case 2: Overload detection by storage system
In special overload cases, the control of the storage system reacts earlier than the integ-
rated fuse of the sonnenProtect. In this case, the miniature circuit breaker inside the
sonnenProtect does not trip, the backup power is instead stopped by the control of the
storage system. The eclipse of the storage system signals this by turning
When this happens, there are two options:
The overload is removed: The storage system restarts the backup operation after a few
minutes and the eclipse changes from
2. The overload remains: The storage system tries to resume backup operation twice. If it
is switched off a third time, the backup operation remains disabled until the grid outage
is over. The eclipse will continue to glow