Note that PITCH has a “BIPOLAR” switch beside it’s Depth knob. This
allows you to set whether you are using a single direction, or bidirectional
pitch controller.
If you don’t want or need to control the vibrato manually with the PITCH
controller, you can use an LFO for vibrato. VIBRATO DEPTH and VIBRATO
RATE are the next two MIDI assignments, and these control the vibrato LFO.
Of course, an LFO doesn’t sound as organic as a manual vibrato, so be
aware that the more “automated” your setup, the less natural it will sound.
ATTACK TIME is another way of controlling the envelope if you don’t want to
use a MIDI CC for Volume. If you set ATTACK TIME and VOLUME both to
Velocity, you can control the attack speed with velocity and this is a little
easier to play. (Make sure you set the Attack on the EG to 9 in this case.)
Lastly, at the bottom, there is an EXCLUDE KEY. This can be set to any
note on your keyboard. Essentially, this just stops that note from sounding.
The purpose of this is if you want to use one hand to control Aftertouch, and
not have that key interfere with the melody in your other hand, then using
Exclude Key gives a key dedicated to aftertouch.
We have provided several template Instruments as starting points, with
different control setups of varying complexity. Have a look at these, and see
what works well for you. Definitely consider adding an XY pad, or some
other control surface, to your setup if you don’t already have one... it makes
a huge difference to the dynamics of the Ondes Martenot if you are able to
control a few realtime CCs.
Finally, at the bottom left of the Setup screen, you will see Save Setup and
Load Setup. You can load or save a setup, separately from the Instrument.
For example, if you have a certain setup you like, you can save it, and
quickly load it back into any other preset.
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