The first of these is VOLUME. In the above example, this is set to CC11,
which we have been using at Soniccouture to control the volume in realtime.
This works very well if you have some kind of pressure pad, or XY controller
that you can use with one hand, while the other hand plays the keyboard. If
you had a Breath Controller, for example, you could change this with the
drop down menu to CC 2, and then the volume would be controlled by the
breath controller.
However, if you DON’T want to manage this in realtime, you can change this
option to Velocity. Then the volume will simply be set by the key velocity of
the notes you play, and the volume will only be set once per note. If you use
Velocity for volume, you still have the ADSR envelope as well, to allow you to
shape the dynamics of each note.
Note that to the right of the Volume Menu, there is a curve, and then a knob
labelled “Depth”. For Volume and Pitch you can control the depth of the
controller. And for all controllers, there are three curves you can choose
from that affect the response of that controller: linear, and exponential
concave and convex.
The second important realtime control is PITCH. This can be used for two
things, depending on the range. If it’s range is small, you can use this for
realtime vibrato (we’ve been using the X axis of an XY pad set to Pitch
Bend). However, if you set this range very wide, you can also use a
controller to slide the absolute pitch of the instrument ( a bit like the Ondes
“ruban”). Even with a large controller like a ribbon controller however, this is
very difficult to do, it’s hard to be precise enough to play a melody using a
CC, so we generally have used this for vibrato, and use the GLIDE to
recreate the “ruban” technique.
GLIDE SPEED is therefore the next realtime controller. If you want to adjust
the speed of the glide in realtime, this is the assignment to use. As you can
see from the picture, we’ve often been using CC1, the Mod Wheel, to adjust
the glide speed.
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