* Disclaimer: Sonic Life Products are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. The benefits listed in this brochure are based on indepen-
dent studies, listed below, which reference years of research and those studies are independent of Sonic Life products and have not been evaluated
by the FDA.
This machine is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other medical conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of
disease or other medical conditions, in man or other animals.
Sonic Life is the U.S.A. distributor of Sonix Equipment which is manufactured in South Korea which has the following registrations:
• Blottner D, et al., Human skeletal muscle structure and function preserved by vibration muscle exercise following 55 days of bed rest.
Eur J Appl Physiol. 2006; 97:261–271.
• Bosco, et al., Hormonal responses to whole-body vibration in men. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2000 Apr;81(6):449-54.
• Cardinale & Lim, Electromyography activity of vastus lateralis muscle during whole-body vibrations of different frequencies.
J Strength Cond Res. 2003 Aug; 17(3):621-4.
• Cardinale & Wakeling, Whole body vibration exercise: are vibrations good for you? Athens: Hylonome Editions, 1999; 2:67–76.
• Chanou, et al., Whole-body vibration and rehabilitation of chronic diseases: a review of the literature. J Sports Sci Med.
Jun 2012; 11(2): 187–200.
• Delecluse, et al., Strength increase after whole-body vibration compared with resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc.
2003 Jun; 35(6):1033-41.
• Elfering, et al., Stochastic resonance whole-body vibration, musculoskeletal symptoms, and body balance: a worksite training study.
Saf Health Work. Sep 2013; 4(3): 149–155.
• Flieger, et al., Mechanical stimulation in the form of vibration prevents postmenopausal bone loss in ovariectomized rats.
Calcif Tissue Int. 1998 Dec;63(6):510-4.
• Goto & Takamatsu, Hormone and lipolytic responses to whole body vibration in young men. Jpn J Physiol.
2005 Oct; 55(5):279-84.
• Gusi, et al., Low-frequency vibratory exercise reduces the risk of bone fracture more than walking: a randomized controlled trial.
BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2006 Nov 30; 7:92.
• Keller, et al., Varying whole body vibration amplitude differentially affects tendon and ligament structural and material properties.
J Biomech. 2013 May 31; 46(9):1496-500.
• Kvorning, et al., Effects of vibration and resistance training on neuromuscular and hormonal measures. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2006 Mar; 96(5):615-25.
• Mahieu, et al., Improving strength and postural control in young skiers: whole-body vibration versus equivalent resistance training improving strength
and postural control in young skiers: whole-body vibration versus equivalent resistance training.
J Athl Train. 2006; 41(3): 286–293.
• Ritzmann, et al., Whole body vibration training - improving balance control and muscle endurance.
PLoS One. 2014; 9(2): e89905.
• Rubin, et al., Prevention of postmenopausal bone loss by a low-magnitude, high-frequency mechanical stimuli: a clinical trial
assessing compliance, efficacy, and safety. J Bone Miner Res. 2004 Mar; 19(3):343-51.
• Rubin, et al., Transmissibility of 15-hertz to 35-hertz vibrations to the human hip and lumbar spine: determining the physiologic feasibility of delivering
low-level anabolic mechanical stimuli to skeletal regions at greatest risk of fracture because of osteoporosis. S
pine (Phila Pa 1976). 2003 Dec 1; 28(23):2621-7.
• Savoia, et al., Low-level laser therapy and vibration therapy for the treatment of localized adiposity and fibrous cellulite.
Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2013 May 23; 3(1):41-52.
• Stewart, et al., Plantar vibration improves leg fluid flow in perimenopausal women.
Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2005 Mar; 288(3):R623-9.
• Trans, et al., Effect of whole body vibration exercise on muscle strength and proprioception in females with knee osteoarthritis.
Knee. 2009 Aug; 16(4):256-61.
• Vissers, et al., Effect of long-term whole body vibration training on visceral adipose tissue: a preliminary report.
Obes Facts. 2010; 3(2):93-100.
Sonic Life is the U.S.A. distributor of Sonix Equipment which is manufactured in South Korea .