1 -
Dual Infra Red Emitters
- These emitters transmit the coded data from
the remote control to the
LINE Series
main chassis front panel. Do not
obstruct the infra red beam.
2 -
Volume Increase
- This button controls the increase in volume. Pressing
it will increase the volume in 0.5dB increments. Pressing and holding
changes the volume continuously at approximately 6dB/second, after a
0.3 second delay.
3 -
Volume Decrease
- This button controls the decrease in volume.
Pressing it will decrease the volume in 0.5dB increments. Pressing and
holding changes the volume continuously at approximately 6dB/second,
after a 0.3 second delay.
4 -
Balance Left
- This button controls the balance between the left and right
channels. Pressing it will decrease the volume in the RIGHT channel 0.5dB.
Pressing and holding changes the volume continuously at approximately
6dB/second, after a 0.3 second delay.
Note: To reset the volume levels to equal values on both channels, simply press and hold the
Mode button for a minimum of 1.5 seconds. The volume level will then revert to the high-
er of the two channels.
5 -
Balance Right
- This button controls the balance between the left and
right channels. Pressing will decrease the volume in the LEFT channel
0.5dB. Pressing and holding changes the volume continuously at approxi-
mately 6dB/second, after a 0.3 second delay.
Note: To reset the volume levels to equal values on both channels, simply press and hold the
Mode button for a minimum of 1.5 seconds. The volume level will then revert to the
higher of the two channels.
6 -
Input Select
- This button scrolls through the six inputs, then repeats.
Pressing it will scroll through the inputs from BAL1 to SE4, then repeats - but
N o t e : Whenever you select a new function there is a ramp-up in volume as the preamp resets to
your saved level. The duration of the ramp up is dependent on the output level.
7 -
Mode Select
- This button allows you to toggle between STEREO and
MONO mode. Only “MONO” mode is indicated in the LED display win-
d o w .
Note: A secondary feature of the Mode button is its ability to reset the channel balance to an
equal setting on both channels. Simply press and hold the Mode button for 1.5 seconds
to perform this operation.
8 -
- The preamp can be muted by pressing the mute button. When the
signal is muted, “MUTE” will be indicated in the LED display window.
When coming out of MUTE the volume will ramp-up to the selected level
(at a rate dependent on this level).
N o t e : When switching between inputs, the volume will ramp up to the preset level. While this is
happening, the volume can be muted. When this occurs, the LED window will display the
volume level reached at that point in the volume ramp-up cycle - not the final preset level.
9 -
DISP (Display)
- This button allows you to toggle between 4 levels of
display brightness plus OFF. Pressing the button once will increase the
brightness by one level. Pressing and holding will provide a continuous
c h a n g e .
N o t e : The default turn on setting is the maximum brightness level. Although the setting can be
changed to four other levels (one of which is off), when any function is selected, the display
brightness changes to maximum for three seconds, then reverts back to the previously selected
display brightness level.
1 0 -
- The signal phase polarity relative to the input signal can be
changed between 0˚ or 180˚ by pressing the phase button. Only 180˚
phase is indicated in the LED display. Phase change is allowed for all
inputs except SSP. When SSP input is selected, the signal will be set to 0˚
automatically (default setting).
SSP (Surround Sound Processor)
- This button will select or deselect
the SSP input. When selected, all other display items will be blanked and
phase will be set to 0˚. When SSP is deselected, the display items will turn
back on and return to the previous input and volume level (not the default set-
tings). See page 4 (D)
STBY (Standby)
- When this button is pressed, STANDBY mode can be
selected or deselected. When selected, the LED Display will be OFF
except for six (6) digit dots, at one step lower than maximum brightness.
When the unit is powered on from STANDBY mode, it will be in MUTE for
22 seconds. The LED display window will show MUTE during this period
of time. After the 22 second MUTE, the preamplifier will be fully opera-
tional (OPERATE mode), and revert to the default BAL 1 input.
-This button will toggle the TAPE input ON or OFF. All other preamp
functions remain active and in their previous condition.