• Electrical devices operated nearby may cause abnormal operation or noise; this does not indicate a malfunction of the sound box!
• Abnormal operation may be caused by the individual characteristics of the external device; this is not a sign of product malfunction. In certain cases, the BT
functionality may be limited, depending on the external device.
The radio has a built-in antenna, however, we recommend plugging in the charging cable and use it as an external antenna. Position this as high and straight as
possible, as if you adjusted an antenna. Select the
radio mode with the
M /
(MODE) button. For this, you have to press and hold the protruding middle part
of the rocker switch several times. Do this always to select the function you want. To start automatic tuning and storage, press the same button (
M /
) briefly.
Wait a few minutes. Later, you can access the stored programs by repeatedly rocking the
switch to the right or left briefly. Depending on the program slot, you
may need to press it many times to find the program you want. Remember that pressing and holding the switch will adjust the volume.
• The search stops when it detects varying signal strength – this does not always mean that a radio program is found.
• The reception capability of the radio largely depends on the place of use and the current reception conditions.
• Do not place large metal objects or electrical equipment close to the device.
• Orient the appliance appropriately to achieve the best reception. The positioning of the equipment also affects the quality of reception.
The player is ready to play when the device is switched on. Carefully insert the USB or microSD memory and the unit will automatically switch to USB/SD mode and
start playback. If necessary, press and hold the
M /
button to activate the function. To start or pause playback, briefly press the
M /
button, and you can
select the desired track using the toggle buttons
. If you press and hold the latter for a long time, you can change the volume here too.
• The recommended file system for the memory is FAT32. Do not use an NTFS formatted memory card.
• If the device does not play sound or does not recognise the USB/microSD memory, remove it, then reconnect the memory and select it again with the
M /
button. If necessary, turn the power off and on again.
• Only remove the external memory after switching to a different source with the MODE
M /
button or switching off the player. Otherwise, the data may be
damaged. Do not remove the connected external unit during playback!
• The USB/microSD device can only be inserted in one way. If it stops, turn it over and try again; do not force it.
• It is not recommended to connect a USB and a microSD (TF) device simultaneously.
• Abnormal operation may be caused by the individual characteristics of the storage device; this is not a sign of product malfunction.
• Do not charge devices (e.g., mobile phones) from the USB socket!
Turn off the appliance and remove the charging cable before cleaning. Use a soft, dry cleaning cloth. Avoid the use of any aggressive detergents and liquids.
Periodically check the integrity of the connection cable and housing. In case of a malfunction, immediately disconnect the appliance and contact a specialist.
In case of any malfunction, turn off the appliance and disconnect all cables. Try to turn it back on later. If the problem persists, please review the list below. This guide
can help troubleshoot the issue, provided that the appliance is connected properly. Consult a specialist if necessary.
The appliance does not work and the LED lights are off.
• The device is not turned on.
- Check the position of the slide switch.
• No power supply, the battery is low.
- Connect the USB cable and check if it is live.
The device appears to work, but does not make a sound.
• The volume control setting is incorrect.
- Make sure that the volume control on the speaker or BT signal source is not set to minimum.
• The wrong mode is selected.
- Make sure that the appropriate function is activated with the
• egyedi dizájn, elfordítható fejjel • vezeték nélküli BT kapcsolat • FM rádió automatikus kereséssel • USB/microSD MP3/WAV zenelejátszó • vezérli
a mobiltelefon zenelejátszóját • beépített 18650 akkumulátor • várható töltési/működési idő: ~3h/5h • tartozék USB-microUSB töltőkábel • tápellátás
számítógépből vagy adapterről (opció) • javasolt hálózati USB adapter: SA 24USB, SA 50USB
A multimédiás hangszóró ideális számítógéphez, táblagéphez vagy mobiltelefonhoz történő csatlakoztatásra. A csatlakoztatás vezeték nélküli BT kapcsolattal
történik. Rendelkezik még FM rádió és USB/microSD zenelejátszó funkciókkal is. A beépített akkumulátor USB vezetékkel tölthető fel.
Használat előtt töltse fel az akkumulátort. Az USB csatlakozókábelt a számítógépbe vagy egy hálózati USB adapterbe (nem tartozék) kell csatlakoztatni. Ajánlott
hálózati töltő opció: SA 24USB, SA 50USB. Töltés közben piros LED világít a kezelőpanelen. Teljesen lemerült akkumulátor esetén a töltési idő hozzávetőlegesen 3-4
óra. Ennek - de legkésőbb 6 óra - elteltével húzza ki a töltőkábelt. A töltés nem kapcsol ki automatikusan, de az akkumulátor védett túltöltés ellen. Egy töltéssel kb.5-6
óra működési idő biztosítható. Ez függ a beállított hangerőtől, a kiválasztott üzemmódtól és a környezeti hőmérséklettől is. A tesztet rádió hallgatással végeztük,
közepes hangerőn, szobahőmérsékleten.