User Manual UM0006_ASW3000-10000-T_EN_V01_0221
Mehod 2 ervery inverter with WiFi Stick, Every inverter can
connect to internet.
As shown above, we offer a remote monitoring platform called
“AiSWEI cloud”. You can install the “AiSWEI cloud” application
on a smart phone using Android or an iOS operating systems.
You can also visit the website (
) for
system information. And download the user manual for the
AISWEI Cloud Web or AISWEI Cloud APP.
6.2 System monitoring via RS485
This inverter is equipped with RJ45 interfaces for multipoint
One AiCom connects inverters via an RS485 bus. The overall
length of the network cable should not exceed 1,000 m. The
monitoring system layout for inverters is as follows.
The AiCom connects to the inverter via the RJ45 interface, and it
connects to the router via Ethernet. User can monitor the inverter
through the external Aicom with Ethernet module (optional).