3.You have the right not to provide your personal information. However, if you refuse to provide some of your personal information, we
may not able to provide better products and services for you, and even might deter you from using our products and services.
4.Any personal information provided by you shall bedeemed as the fact that you have entirely agreedwith theidea that your personal
information can be used by SOLOWHEEL itselfor its affiliated companies after the disclosure. The application of SOLOWHEEL and affiliated
companies shall include but not limited to the application of the internal staff, consultants, agents, suppliers, and partners of SOLOWHEEL
and its affiliated companies.
5.You agree that we might provide your personal information to the interested third party when in line with any of the following
1) After your special authorization;
2)Conforming to the relevant laws and regulations or the mandatory requirements put forward by thegovernment agencies (including
thejudiciary authorities);
3) Perform the Terms of Service available (including investigating possible violations);
4) Deal with frauds, safety or technical issues;
5) Protect the rights, properties or security of users or the public from being damaged within the scope of legal requirements or the
allowable range;
6) The needs under special and/or emergency circumstances.
6.Theelectronic data of your personal information can be used for application, transmission and storage, and the above-mentioned
behaviors might exist in or out of China.
7. You completely agree with the idea that SOLOWHEEL and its affiliated companies might push the information with regard to the
products and services as well as the relevant activity information from tim to time for your better application and experience.
8. We will take reasonable and safe measures to protect the safety of your personal information, and to prevent your personal informa-
tion from being disclosed and used without authorization. Furthermore, we will also drive other interested parties accepting and using
your personal information described in this legal statement to fulfill the same obligations. You agree with the idea that SOLOWHEEL