SCG-5608 User Manual Ver. 1.0
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Figure 3-3 General
This setting is for storing the product description. The maximum setting size of
this item is 32 bytes.
Connection Mode
This item selects the TCP connection method. The default is TCP Server.
Connection Mode
Required Values
TCP Server
Passive Connection
Local Port
TCP Client
Active Connection
Peer Address, Peer Port
Connectionless (UDP)
No connection
Local Port, Peer Address,
Peer Port
Table 3-1 Connection Mode
Local Port
This item is to set the local port number of the device for TCP connection and
UDP data reception. It can be set from 0 to 65535, and the default values are
14700 to 14707.
Peer Address
This item is to set the IP address or host name of the destination host for TCP
connection or UDP data transmission.