SSL Live Installation Information
If colours differ from the above please consult the full tables in the SSL Live Help System
When the BLII/X-Light Bridge becomes the Clock Master
If the BL S and NET S LEDs are off and the GM LED is Solid Green (BLII Bridge only), the BLII/X-Light
Bridge has become the master of the network. This could occur if the console and BLII/X-Light Bridge
were set to clock from a Dante device on the network, but this Clock Master loses connection to the
network. The BLII/X-Light Bridge could then be chosen by the Dante network as the Clock Master of
the Dante network.
This is a perfectly valid clocking scheme. The BLII/X-Light Bridge will now clock the console and the
network from its internal clock. The console’s clock source will remain as Dante.
To manually set the BLII/X-Light Bridge to be the clock master, follow the same steps as configuring
the console to clock from the Dante network, but check the “Preferred Master” box beside the
BLII/X-Light Bridge in Dante Controller.
Setting the Sample Rate
The Live system can run at 96 kHz (recommended) or 48 kHz sample rates. Use the
96 kHz
buttons in the System page (
) to change the console's sample rate.
The stageboxes must also be changed to match the console's sample rate; see below.
Aside from the FX Loop and optional Dante module interfaces, decreasing the sample rate to 48 kHz
does not increase the total input/output count; each MADI port carries 64 channels at 48 kHz but
odd-even MADI port pairs are always redundant (even-numbered ports on twin card Blacklight
Concentrator are disabled).
Changing the console's sample rate will interrupt audio and cause routes to be dropped
as stagebox configurations will need to be changed. Muting all outputs to switch sample rate and for a
further 30 seconds is recommended.
The console must be rebooted following a change in Sample Rate.
Clocking MADI Stageboxes
By default stageboxes are set to clock from the incoming MADI stream.
This is the recommended
Other stagebox clock sync options are internal or external wordclock.
The clock source and sample rate can be set from the physical
setup controls on the rear of each stagebox. The current clock
source is displayed to the right of the SETUP area: if neither clock
LED is lit, the stagebox is running on its own internal clock.
The wordclock output transmits the clock signal currently in
use by the stagebox (i.e. it is not a loop thru), depending on the
stagebox's clock source setting).
To change the clock source, press & hold
simultaneously until the padlock flashes green. Press
is lit. The colour shows the
Red: no MADI from master console detected.
Red/green flashing: a single master MADI port is locked (non-redundant cabling).
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