SSL Live Installation Information
Maintenance: Dust Guards
Your Live Console may be fitted with dust guards covering the air vents beneath the faders. It is
recommended that the filter foam should be regularly inspected for particular buildup.
Unscrew the M3 screws that secure the dust guards in place and inspect both sides of the guard. If
necessary, vacuum clean. Extremely dirty filters may be cleaned with water and replaced when dry.
Filter pads may last several years before needing replacement. Please contact SSL for replacement
filter pads.
Live Console Synchronisation & Clocking
The Live console and associated stageboxes are connected digitally and thus must share a common
digital clock (sync) source. This section describes how to set up a Live system with multiple
stageboxes and multiple consoles successfully, using both internal and external clock sources.
Clocking in General
The Live console has a very high quality internal clock that can be used to clock an entire system with
multiple Live consoles and stageboxes connected, so no external clock source is needed unless a
specific application requires it. If there is a specific requirement for external clocking of a Live system,
the external clock
match the sample rate at which the Live console is running (or PAL 25/NTSC
29.97 video sync).
It is also important that, if an external clock is used, only the Live console should be connected
to the clock source. SSL Live stageboxes will receive their clock via the MADI stream from the
console. We do not recommend connecting external clocks to each of the stageboxes in this
ALL AES/EBU connections on the console and D32.32 stageboxes have sample rate converters and
can accommodate digital devices at alternative sample rates, or those running in a different clock
domain. The AES/EBU connection options and set up are detailed below.
Selecting a Clock Source
The console can be clocked internally, or externally via video, AES, wordclock, MADI, Blacklight II or
Dante Expander. This is set from
Select the required clock source (if MADI or Blacklight II, press the button again and select which
MADI/Blacklight port to use from the drop down menu) then press & hold the APPLY button. Ensure
that the “Requested” and “Actual” sources match.
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