InstallatIon and oPERatIon ManUal FoR sl2 solaR ModUlEs oF tHE GEnERatIon G2.1 and G2.2
1 IntroductIon
planning, installation and operation of solar power plants and
working on the roof.
valid international, national and regional regulations, in par-
ticular regarding the installation of electrical equipment and
systems, on working with direct current and regulations of the
responsible energy supply company regarding parallel opera-
tion of solar power plants.
Accident prevention regulations.
Regulations of the Bau-Berufsgenossenschaft (employers' li-
ability insurance association) (e.g. use of insulated and dry
never use light concentrators (e.g. lenses) to increase the
output of the module. The module may be damaged as a
personnel qualIFIcatIons
operator and installer are responsible for ensuring that the instal-
lation, maintenance, repair and dismantling work is only carried
out by trained specialists.
This manual only applies for solar modules from Solibro GmbH.
Solibro assumes no liability for damage resulting from failure to
observe these instructions.
note the wiring and dimensioning of the system.
The observance of all necessary safety regulations when
laying out and installing the system are the responsibility of
the installer of the system.
This manual does not form a legal responsibility on the part of
Solibro. Solibro only accepts liability within the realms of the con-
tractual agreements or in the context of accepted guarantees.
Solibro accepts no responsibility beyond the correct function and
safety of the modules.
The manuals for the other system components must also be
complied with.
manual, please contact your system supplier or our Product
Further information is available on our website
applIcable documents
This installation manual is only valid in conjunction with the follow-
ing technical information.
document type
Product data sheet
List of approved clamps and mounting systems
Packaging and transport information
installation instructions for Slide-in
solar modules from solibro gmbH (referred to below as solibro)
allow you to directly transform the unlimited energy provided by
the sun into environmentally friendly electrical energy. to ensure
that you can use the full potential of the solibro solar modules,
read the following manual carefully and follow the instructions.
Failure to follow the instructions in this manual will make the war-
ranty null and void and can result in injuries and material damage.
this installation manual outlines the process for installing cIgs
solar modules safely.
Read this installation manual carefully before carrying out the
Retain the installation manual for the usage life of the solar
Ensure that the operator has access to the installation manual
at all times.
Pass the installation manual on to each subsequent owner or
user of the solar modules.
Add any additions received from the manufacturer.
comply with any applicable documents.
Intended use
These instructions provide information concerning safety in dealing
with the ciGS quality solar module from Solibro GmbH, as well as in-
structions for installation, mounting, wiring and maintenance.
The manual is valid for SoLiBRo solar modules:
of the generation 2.1 and 2.2.
symbols and labels
Symbols and labels are used in this installation manual to make
the instructions quick and easy to understand.
Action with one step or with multiple steps.
Ensure when carrying out an action, check the result of
an action.
Action is not permitted.
saFety regulatIons
The operator of the solar module is responsible for ensuring that
all relevant legal regulations and directives are complied with.
Solar modules should only be commissioned, operated and
maintained in accordance with the following regulations and
installation and assembly manual.
ing laws, operational safety, hazardous goods and environ-
mental protection.