Installation Instructions
3. Verify a secure connection to the trusses. If lagging directly into the roof trusses is not possible, secure a 2’ x 4’
wood beam perpendicular to the trusses, inside the attic, and anchor the bolts to this member. Again, verify a
secure connection into the new member. Attach the bracket to the collector using two stainless steel self tapping
screws. The collector should sit on the step of the bracket.
5. For Mulitple Collectors: A 1” sweat coupling (or a 1” union) is required to join collectors.
a.) Mount the first collector, and anchor.
b.) Locate and mount the brackets for additional collector. NOTE: It is a very tight and exact fit, with less than 1/32”
c.) Clean and flux brackets. Mark with a pencil the proper location of sweat couplings on both manifolds.
d.) Slicd couplings on to the fixed collector. Using a channel lock, one person should guide the manifold into the
coupling while using the channel lock to turn and properly locate the coupling. The other person is easing both
the top and bottom manifolds together in small alternating increments continually. The channel lock will help to
twist and properly move the coupling to your pencil marks. Without the twisting motion of the channel lock, it’s
difficult to properly locate the union to the pencil marks on the manifold.
e.) Solder both sides of coupling ONLY after collectors are properly aligned with the equally spaced couplings.
Angle Mount Installation -
Angle Mount Installations involve positioning the collector(s) at an angle so that the upper part of the collector is higher
than the lower in reference to the mounting surface. The “angle mounting” is used on horizontal surfaces or on roofs that
slope in directions other than south ±15 degrees.
Picture 2
Picture 3
3/8” x 3 1/2”
Figure #2
Solar Collector
Clip & 2 S.S. Screws
2 S.S. Screws
Nut & Bolt
U Channel
Figure #3